Current Haircare Routine

Haircare is something I’ve become soo passionate about over the years. A little backstory: I decided it would be a good idea to bleach my hair in 2017…let’s just say that was a terrible idea LOL! After bleaching it I then decided to get tape-in extensions and I started to notice that my hair starting breaking off. It was awful!! I was so self-conscious and I quickly realized it wasn’t the hair ties I was using or teasing my hair that was causing it to break off…it was the bleach. I then decided to switch hair salons and hair stylists and went through the grow out period. I stopped bleaching my hair completely and let my hair fully grow out. It wasn’t cute LOL but it was necessary to get my hair back to it’s natural color. This is when I really started to take hair supplements and pay more attention to the products I was using. I switched from tape-in extensions to hand tied and it was the best decisions. If you are interested in getting hair extensions, I would highly recommend getting hand tied but do your research and find someone who specializes in them :) Long story short, I finally got my hair back to a healthy spot after 4ish years and then finally decided to take my extensions out completely last year in 2023. I am SO happy with how my hair is now, I can’t believe how much it’s grown and how healthy it is. I’ve shared my hair journey on Instagram a few times and always get hundreds of questions about what products I use. I’ve rounded up my current routine for you along with supplements that I love and swear by!

Also, scroll down if you want to see photos from the years of my hair journey :)



Here’s a little look at my hair journey over the years…


5 Beauty Products I’m Loving


Current Skincare Routine